Outpatient Recovery Programs

Our outpatient chemical dependency programs are designed to support you in your continuing recovery.

Each patient is assigned an individual case manager who will guide you through your recovery process.

Day Treatment

Our Day Treatment program includes assessment, individualized treatment planning, education, cognitive behavioral therapy, process groups, relapse prevention, and discharge planning. We also focus on education and support for family members, as well as continued support following the initial treatment program. Meets daily, except on Sundays.

"The educational program related to addiction is beneficial to both the patient and the family members. I was given all the help/information I needed to proceed with recovery and get support after completing the program."

– Ingrid C. (Patient)

Family Program

The family program provides education and group interaction to help family members in their own recovery from the effects of addiction and meets on Saturdays.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment

Because we know you may have family or other commitments, we've designed programs that provide support and resources that are similar to the day treatment program, in a shortened timeframe.


The first year after treatment is critical in preventing relapse. That’s why we provide aftercare during that time period following successful completion of your initial care for no additional charge. In our weekly meetings, facilitated by trained staff, we concentrate on education, the 12 steps, group therapy, and continued individual and family work. We also help you connect with community resources, participate in sponsorship and, most importantly, work on preventing relapse. Because addiction is a family disease, we also offer an ongoing family aftercare group, in which family members can continue to work on their own recovery separate from patients.

For more information about aftercare, please call (925) 674-4200.

Behavioral Health Center
4080 Port Chicago Highway
Concord, CA 94520
Phone (925) 674-4200