
Permanent contraception

Permanent contraception, or sterilization, is meant only for men who have made the decision – along with their partner – not to father any children now or in the future.

Vasectomy: This is the most common method of permanent contraception. It ensures that sperm do not leave the penis during ejaculation.

During a vasectomy, the muscular tubes, called the vas deferens, that carry sperm from the testicles into the urethra are cut and sealed off, or blocked.  The procedure involves making two small openings in the scrotum. After a vasectomy, you might feel some tenderness or bruising around the incisions.

A vasectomy does not interfere with a man’s ability to have an erection or the amount of semen released. After a vasectomy, you should use a second form of birth control until your semen is tested by your urologist to make sure it is free of sperm. This usually takes 10 to 20 ejaculations.  

A vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of birth control. Reversal is possible, but not guaranteed.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy Technique

Considered a safe, minimally invasive procedure, a vasectomy is an outpatient procedure performed by an Urologist during an office visit. The No-Scalpel Vasectomy has a very low complication rate and differs from conventional vasectomy in the application of the local anesthetic and in how the vas deferens (vasa) are reached.

The patient typically remains clothed from the waist up and lies on his back. The scrotum is numbed with one or more injections of local anesthetic (lidocaine). The vas deferens is gathered under the skin of the scrotum and a single small opening in the skin is made with a pointed forceps, usually 1 centimeter or less.

The vas deferens is then pulled through the incision, cut in two places, and a 1-centimeter segment is removed before the vas deferens is placed back in the scrotum. Some urologists cauterize the ends of the vas deferens, but others find that cauterization complicates reversal and is unnecessary.

The Urologist may place sutures in the incision site or it may not require sutures due to the minimal size. The procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes and most men go home immediately after.

Need a Referral?

It helps to have a urologist from John Muir Health who knows your health history and can help you get the treatment that’s right for you more quickly.

For more information about our urology services, please call (925) 937-7740.