Making a Gift of Stocks and Securities
Thank you for your interest in supporting the mission of John Muir Health with your gift of appreciated securities. We appreciate your generosity and are grateful for your meaningful investment.
Please follow the steps below when making your stock donation:
- Contact John Muir Health Foundation
Please call us at 925-947-4449 and let us know of your intention to make this gift so that we may thank you! - Instruct Your Broker
Please instruct your broker to notify John Muir Health Foundation prior to transfer, so that your gift will be processed quickly and acknowledged properly for tax purposes. (Many people are surprised to learn that we are not automatically notified, so instructing your broker to contact us is enormously helpful and deeply appreciated). - Transfer Your Shares
Request your broker transfer to our preferred agent:
Charles Schwab & Co.
1231 South California Boulevard
Walnut Creek, CA 94596Account # 4761-3255
DTC 0164(The Charles Schwab helpline is 800-435-4000 should you have any difficulty. Enter the account number and request “representative”.)
Charles Schwab is our preferred agent because of its discounted fees, so more of your gift goes to John Muir Health Foundation.
John Muir Health Foundation Tax ID#: 94-2650855