For more information about the Inpatient programs below, including assessment, please call (925) 674-4100.

Inpatient Programs

Adult Psychiatric Program

This program focuses on crisis management and prevention for people with depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies, or other mental health issues.

Inpatient hospitalizations, which usually last five to six days, include individual and group therapy sessions; therapeutic recreational activities such as music, dance, and art; and pastoral care. Patients learn to recognize stressors and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Patients may be admitted on a voluntary or involuntary basis, but our philosophy is to employ the least restrictive methods possible. That means we don’t curtail our patients’ privileges any more than absolutely necessary. With a physician’s order, patients are generally able to leave the locked unit for brief periods. They are encouraged to enjoy their surroundings and to take advantage of the fully equipped gym.

After leaving the program, patients are encouraged to check in periodically with us, or return as needed to stabilize a crisis situation. At the time of discharge, we refer our patients to our hospital-based outpatient programs or to individual community practitioners for continued treatment.

During your stay, you can wear your own casual clothes, as well as bring items to personalize your semi-private bedroom and bathroom, which may be shared with one other patient. We have washer/dryer units on site for your use.

Things to Bring

  • Driver’s license
  • Insurance card
  • $5 to $10 in cash (all meals are provided)
  • A list of current medications you are taking
  • One small bag or carry-on suitcase 
  • Alcohol-free toiletries and hair products in soft plastic containers
  • Comfortable clothes for 2 days (no ties or belts; slip-on shoes only, no shoelaces)

Things Not to Bring

  • Electronics: cameras, radios, laptops, TVs 
  • Cell phones: you may bring your cell phone only to retrieve numbers—calling and texting are not allowed
  • Credit cards or large sums of money
  • Hair dryers (which are provided), curling irons, or flat irons
  • Any products containing alcohol
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Books

For more information, call (925) 674-4100.

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