Car Seats

Installed correctly, the right equipment can protect your child in the case of an accident.

Food Mistakes Parents Make

Parents aim to steer their kids toward healthy eating habits, but sometimes their efforts backfire.

Healthy Eating for Children

A mealtime should be a happy ritual in which parents and chilren relax together and enjoy the comfort of good food.

Kangaroo Care

This soothing technique helps premature infants bond with their mothers and go home sooner.

Keep it Safe

Drowning is the second most common cause of unintentional injury-related death in children ages 1 to 14 years.

Nutrition for Teens

Help your teenager develop a healthier relationship with food.

Preventing Child Drownings

Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5 in California?

Preventing Child Injuries

Help your kids avoid common accidents involving bikes, skateboards, cars, and pools.

Remedies for Kids' Ear Infections

Painful middle ear infections, or acute otitis media (AOM), are the most common type of bacterial illness in U.S. children and the one most commonly treated with antibiotics.

To Play Like a Girl

Regular physical activity pays off. Basket ball, dance, swimming or soccer? Encourage your daughter to consider playing sports.

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